对皇家加勒比和机组人员Mirasol因隐藏的摄影机指控提起集体诉讼,声称多达960名乘客可能已经记录在案。 Class-action lawsuit filed against Royal Caribbean and crew member Mirasol over hidden camera allegation, claiming up to 960 passengers may have been recorded.
已对皇家加勒比国际公司和前船员 Arvin Joseph Mirasol 提起集体诉讼,指控他们在海洋交响曲号的浴室里隐藏了摄像头。 A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Royal Caribbean International and former crew member Arvin Joseph Mirasol over allegations of a hidden camera in a bathroom on the Symphony of the Seas. 诉讼声称多达960名乘客可能在未经同意的情况下被记录下来. The lawsuit claims up to 960 passengers may have been recorded without consent. 该公司声称,在Mirasol因非法拍摄儿童和传送图像而被定罪之后,该公司未能警告乘客并处理与性行为不端有关的可预见的风险。 It asserts the company failed to warn passengers and address foreseeable risks related to sexual misconduct, following Mirasol's conviction for filming children and transmitting the images illegally.