10年VGT ETF业绩点击620%的回报率,主要技术投资驱动。 10-year VGT ETF performance hits 620% return, driven by major tech investments.
在对苹果、微软和Nvidia等主要技术公司投资的推动下,先期信息技术ETF(VGT)在过去十年中取得了显著的620%的回报率。 The Vanguard Information Technology ETF (VGT) has achieved a remarkable 620% return over the past decade, driven by investments in major tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia. 由于AI市场预计到2027年将增长到1,190亿美元,尽管短期市场波动,VGT提供了长期投资潜力。 With the AI market expected to grow to $119 billion by 2027, VGT presents long-term investment potential despite short-term market volatility. 该基金的低费用比率为0.10%,增加了其对长期投资者的吸引力。 The fund has a low expense ratio of 0.10%, enhancing its appeal to long-term investors.