49 岁的迈克尔·佩查切克 (Michael Pechacek) 因发出威胁而被通缉,他与孩子一起被困在家中,奥卡鲁萨县警员和平解决。 49-year-old Michael Pechacek, wanted for making threats, barricaded in home with children, peacefully resolved by Okaloosa County deputies.
49 岁的迈克尔·佩查切克因以书面形式威胁杀人或造成身体伤害而被通缉,他在克雷斯特维尤的家中躲了八个小时,身边还有孩子。 49-year-old Michael Pechacek, wanted for making written threats to kill or do bodily harm, barricaded himself in his Crestview home for eight hours with children present. 奥卡鲁萨县警员最终以和平方式解决了事态,并对佩查切克发出了重罪逮捕令。 Okaloosa County deputies were able to resolve the situation peacefully, serving a felony warrant on Pechacek. 据称,他多次对执法人员和政府官员发出威胁,包括向州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯发送一封电子邮件。 He allegedly made numerous threats towards law enforcement and government officials, including an email to Governor Ron DeSantis.