美国提供 $10M 奖励以获取有关俄罗斯战争博主 Yevgeny Nuzhin 的信息,他被指控传播有关乌克兰冲突的错误信息。 U.S. offers $10M reward for info on Russian war blogger Yevgeny Nuzhin, accused of spreading misinformation on Ukraine conflict.
美国政府悬赏高达1 000万美元, 以获取有助于识别或定位俄罗斯战争博客Yevgeny Nuzhin(称为Rybar)的信息。 The U.S. government has issued a reward of up to $10 million for information that helps identify or locate Russian war blogger Yevgeny Nuzhin, known as Rybar. Nuzhin与克里姆林宫有联系,被控散布关于乌克兰战争的错误消息。 Nuzhin is connected to the Kremlin and is accused of spreading misinformation about the war in Ukraine. 此举是美国在持续冲突期间努力反击假情报和支持乌克兰的一部分。 This initiative is part of the U.S. efforts to counter disinformation and support Ukraine amidst the ongoing conflict.