新西兰妇女和少年驾驶员因2022年12月Taku Manu Paul过失杀人罪被判刑。 New Zealand woman and teen driver sentenced for manslaughter of Taku Manu Paul in December 2022.
一名新西兰妇女Ephron Ronaki和一名十几岁的司机因谋杀2022年12月被一辆汽车杀死的Taku Manu Paul被判死刑。 Ephron Ronaki, a New Zealand woman, and a teenage driver were sentenced for the manslaughter of Taku Manu Paul, who was killed by a car in December 2022. Ronaki因过失杀人和企图妨碍司法而被判4年零3个月。 Ronaki received four years and three months for manslaughter and attempting to obstruct justice. 被判定犯有谋杀罪的青少年被判处六年监禁,法官选择有期徒刑而不是终身监禁,考虑到案件的独特情况和青少年的康复潜力。 The teen, found guilty of murder, was sentenced to six years, with the judge opting for a fixed term rather than life imprisonment, considering the case's unique circumstances and the teen's potential for rehabilitation.