1982 年酒后驾车杀手彼得·詹姆斯·纳皮尔 (Peter James Napier) 因最近在新西兰汉密尔顿发生致命车祸而被判处 2.5 年监禁,为受害者凯普斯的家人重新打开了伤口。 1982 drunk-driving killer Peter James Napier sentenced to 2.5 years for recent fatal crash in Hamilton, New Zealand, reopening wounds for victim Capes' family.
Peter James Napier, 先前因1982年在一次醉酒驾驶事件中杀害17岁的Neville Capes而被定罪,因最近坠机造成新西兰汉密尔顿28岁的Li Shiqing死亡,被判处2年3个月监禁。 Peter James Napier, previously convicted for killing 17-year-old Neville Capes in a drunk-driving incident in 1982, has been sentenced to two years and three months in prison for a recent crash that killed 28-year-old Shiqing Li in Hamilton, New Zealand. 这场新的悲剧再次给Capes的家人,特别是他的姐妹Maxine带来痛苦,他为Napier的继续鲁莽行为及其对他们生活的持久影响而愤怒。 This new tragedy has reignited pain for Capes' family, particularly his sister Maxine, who is angered by Napier's continued reckless behavior and its lasting impact on their lives.