杰夫·拉兹卡尼 (Jeff Lazkani) 在分居七个月后,与 Netflix 的《卖日落》明星切尔西·拉兹卡尼 (Chelsea Lazkani) 申请分叉离婚。 Jeff Lazkani files to bifurcate divorce from Chelsea Lazkani, Netflix's "Selling Sunset" star, after seven months of separation.
Jeff Lazkani已向法院提交文件,要求他与Chelsea Lazkani离婚,试图在分居七个月后正式结束婚姻。 Jeff Lazkani has filed court documents to bifurcate his divorce from Chelsea Lazkani, seeking to officially end their marriage after seven months of separation. Chelsea, 在Netflix的“销售日落”中出名, 于三月提出离婚, Chelsea, known from Netflix's "Selling Sunset," filed for divorce in March, citing irreconcilable differences. 2017年8月结婚的夫妇和两个子女的父母尚未就资产分割和配偶支助达成解决办法。 The couple, married in August 2017 and parents to two children, has yet to reach a settlement regarding asset division and spousal support.