DEC发起了一场运动,教育公众了解安全天然气的使用和做法。 The DEC launches a campaign to educate the public on safe natural gas usage and practices.
环境保护部强调天然气使用安全的重要性。 The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is emphasizing the importance of safety regarding natural gas usage. 该倡议旨在教育公众了解安全做法和认识,以防止事故并确保妥善处理天然气。 The initiative aims to educate the public on safe practices and awareness to prevent accidents and ensure proper handling of natural gas. DEC运动强调安全措施的重要性,以保护社区和促进负责任地消费天然气资源。 The DEC's campaign underscores the significance of safety measures to protect communities and promote responsible consumption of natural gas resources.