21 岁的里卡多·霍伊 (Ricardo Hoey) 和 19 岁的乔丹·迪西 (Jordan Deasy) 因在科克郡卡里加林杀害马特·奥尼尔 (Matt O'Neill) 而被判过失杀人罪名成立。 21-year-old Ricardo Hoey and 19-year-old Jordan Deasy found guilty of manslaughter for Matt O'Neill's death in Carrigaline, Co Cork.
2022 年 12 月,21 岁的里卡多·霍伊 (Ricardo Hoey) 和 19 岁的乔丹·迪西 (Jordan Deasy) 在科克郡卡里加林杀害 29 岁的马特·奥尼尔 (Matt O'Neill),被判过失杀人罪,但谋杀罪名不成立。 21-year-old Ricardo Hoey and 19-year-old Jordan Deasy were found guilty of manslaughter but not guilty of murder for the death of 29-year-old Matt O'Neill in Carrigaline, Co Cork, in December 2022. 科克中央刑事法庭的陪审团经过18小时42分钟的审议才做出裁决。 The jury at the Central Criminal Court in Cork deliberated for 18 hours and 42 minutes before reaching the verdict. 两名被告将在稍后被判刑,家庭影响陈述和缓刑报告仍有待考虑。 Both defendants will be sentenced at a later date, with family impact statements and probation reports still to be considered.