在维多利亚机场,Jay Hammond和Maureen Thom 有幸找到了他们叔叔的二战失事地点,从2021年起将残骸重新定位到RCAF机翼。 At Victoria Airport, Jay Hammond and Maureen Thom were honored for locating their uncle's WWII crash site, repurposing wreckage into RCAF wings since 2021.
在维多利亚国际机场,为Jay Hammond和Maureen Thom举行仪式,他们找到了他们叔叔的遗体,RCAF飞行员Wilbur Bentz,1944年在比利时哈利法克斯炸弹爆炸事件中丧生。 At Victoria International Airport, a ceremony honored Jay Hammond and Maureen Thom, who located the remains of their uncle, RCAF pilot Wilbur Bentz, killed in a 1944 Halifax bomber crash in Belgium. 他们的努力导致了残骸的恢复,自2021年以来,已被重新用于RCAF飞行员的机翼. Their efforts led to the recovery of the wreckage, and since 2021, the aluminum has been repurposed into wings for RCAF pilots. 活动包括向哈蒙德和托姆展示特别翅膀,象征着历史纪念与和解,甚至与击落炸弹手的德国飞行员一起。 The event included the presentation of special wings to Hammond and Thom, symbolizing historical remembrance and reconciliation, even with the German pilot who shot down the bomber.