15岁的Hamza Sadiq和Adamu Ahmadu因偷窃Wunti市场100部电话而被捕。 15-year-olds Hamza Sadiq and Adamu Ahmadu arrested for stealing 100 phones from Wunti Market.
两名 15 岁的学生 Hamza Sadiq 和 Adamu Ahmadu 因在 Wunti 市场的一家手机店偷窃而被包奇州警方逮捕。 Two 15-year-old students, Hamza Sadiq and Adamu Ahmadu, were arrested by the Bauchi State Police for stealing from a mobile phone shop in Wunti Market. 他们偷走了100部移动电话和其他电子设备,后来以较低的价格出售,以资助个人购买。 They stole 100 mobile phones and other electronics, later selling them at lower prices to fund personal purchases. 警察找到一些被盗物品。 Police recovered some stolen items. 当局重申对公共安全的承诺,并鼓励社区成员报告可疑活动。 The authorities reaffirmed their commitment to public safety and encouraged community members to report suspicious activities.