TikTok用户Tasha Penney的兰萨罗特天气经验与天气应用预测相矛盾。 TikTok user Tasha Penney's Lanzarote weather experience contradicts weather app forecasts.
Tasha Penney是TikTok的用户,她建议游客在计划前往兰萨罗特时不要依赖气象应用, Tasha Penney, a TikTok user, advises tourists not to rely on weather apps when planning trips to Lanzarote, as her experience showed the weather was sunnier and warmer than predicted. 她遇到晴朗的天空,没有下雨,这与应用软件预测的云和风的情况相反。 She encountered clear skies and no rain, contrary to the apps' forecasts of cloudy and windy conditions. 她的视频获得了牵引力, 许多观众表示有兴趣访问Lanzarote, Lanzarote以其舒适的气候和1月平均气温约68摄氏度闻名。 Her video has gained traction, with many viewers expressing interest in visiting Lanzarote, known for its pleasant climate and average January temperatures around 68°F.