科林斯维尔学校的2名5年级学生在游行中摔倒受伤。 2 fifth-grade students from Collinsville School fell and were injured during the parade.
星期四晚上在科林斯维尔回国游行期间, 两名来自阿拉巴马州北部科林斯维尔学校的五年级学生从浮力车上摔倒后受伤. Two fifth-grade students from Collinsville School in north Alabama were injured after falling from a float during the Collinsville Homecoming Parade on Thursday evening. 他们被送往医院,伤势不致命。 They were transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 警察总长Andy Brown呼吁为这些儿童及其家人祈祷和支持,称这一事件对所涉的每一个人来说都是可怕的。 Police Chief Andy Brown called for prayers and support for the children and their families, describing the incident as frightening for everyone involved.