两名分别为 3 岁和 6 岁的儿童从阿勒格尼县白橡树林肯学校公寓三楼窗户坠落,受重伤。 2 children, ages 3 and 6, critically injured after falling from a third-story window at Lincoln School Apartments, White Oak, Allegheny County.
两名分别为 3 岁和 6 岁的儿童从阿勒格尼县白橡树市林肯学校公寓三楼窗户坠落,伤势严重。 2 children, ages 3 and 6, were critically injured after falling from a third-story window at the Lincoln School Apartments in White Oak, Allegheny County. 这两个孩子是一名 3 岁女孩和一名 6 岁男孩,都是该公寓楼的居民。 The children, a 3-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy, were both residents of the apartment building. 女孩被医疗直升机送往医院,男孩被救护车送往医院。 The girl was flown by medical helicopter and the boy was taken by ambulance to the hospital. 阿勒格尼县警方正在调查此事。 Allegheny County police are investigating the incident.