加州公关专业人士 Chelsea Waite 获得意大利的数字游民签证,搬到米兰。 California PR professional Chelsea Waite secures Italy's digital nomad visa, relocates to Milan.
加利福尼亚州的公关专业人士Chelsea Waite成功获得了意大利的数字游牧签证,该签证于2024年4月推出,适用于远程工作者. Chelsea Waite, a California PR professional, successfully secured Italy's digital nomad visa, launched in April 2024 for remote workers. 尽管面临信息有限和任命困难等挑战,她提交了大量文件,并于7月迁往米兰。 Despite facing challenges like limited information and appointment difficulties, she submitted extensive documentation and relocated to Milan in July. Waite 的故事展示了签证的潜在好处,尽管它接受缓慢且缺乏宣传,但激励了其他有兴趣在意大利生活和工作的人。 Waite's story showcases the potential benefits of the visa, despite its slow uptake and lack of publicity, inspiring others interested in living and working in Italy.