2021 印度尼西亚BIPOSC项目对农民进行关于无毁林供应链可持续做法的培训。 2021 BIPOSC project in Indonesia trains farmers on sustainable practices for deforestation-free supply chain.
2021年在印度尼西亚北苏门答腊启动的BIPOSC项目旨在通过再生农业加强独立油棕榈小农的知识和做法。 The BIPOSC project, launched in 2021 in North Sumatra, Indonesia, aims to enhance independent oil palm smallholders' knowledge and practices through regenerative agriculture. 合作者包括Musim Mas、家庭农业生计基金、SNV印度尼西亚和世界农林。 Collaborators include Musim Mas, Livelihoods Fund for Family Farming, SNV Indonesia, and World Agroforestry. 该倡议对1 032名农民进行了1 063.68公顷土地可持续做法的培训,促进生物多样性和改善生计,同时促进无毁林供应链。 The initiative has trained 1,032 farmers on sustainable practices over 1,063.68 hectares, promoting biodiversity and improved livelihoods while fostering a deforestation-free supply chain.