印度尼西亚计划通过增加生物柴油混合物,刺激棕榈油生产,以满足日益增长的生物燃料需求。 Indonesia plans to boost palm oil production to meet rising biofuel demand by increasing biodiesel blend.
印度尼西亚首席经济部长Airlangga Hartarto对增加棕榈油产量以满足不断增长的生物燃料需求感到乐观, 因为该国计划明年将其生物柴油从35%混合到40%。 Indonesia's Chief Economic Minister, Airlangga Hartarto, is optimistic about increasing palm oil production to meet rising biofuel demand, as the country plans to raise its biodiesel blend from 35% to 40% next year. 政府的重点是改善农耕做法,加强小农重新种植方案,该方案落后于时间表。 The government is focused on improving farming practices and enhancing a replanting program for smallholders, which has lagged behind schedule. 该倡议旨在支持能源自给自足,同时确保粮食供应和棕榈油市场的竞争力。 This initiative aims to support energy self-sufficiency while ensuring food supply and competitiveness in the palm oil market.