73岁的海洋牧羊人创始人Paul Watson被拘留在格陵兰,正等待可能因2010年反捕鲸指控而被引渡到日本。 73-year-old Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson detained in Greenland, awaits potential extradition to Japan for 2010 anti-whaling charges.
海牧人73岁的创始人Paul Watson在等待可能引渡到日本时被拘留在格陵兰,他在那里面临与2010年以来反捕鲸活动有关的指控。 Paul Watson, the 73-year-old founder of Sea Shepherd, is detained in Greenland as he awaits a potential extradition to Japan, where he faces charges related to anti-whaling activities from 2010. 华生已经向法国总统埃马纽埃尔·麦隆申请政治庇护,以避免引渡,他的律师表示,这一请求基本上是象征性的。 Watson has requested political asylum from French President Emmanuel Macron to avoid extradition, with his lawyers indicating the request is largely symbolic. 如果被引渡和定罪,他可能面临长达15年的监禁。 If extradited and convicted, he could face up to 15 years in prison.