反捕鲸活动家Paul Watson被拘留在格陵兰,等待可能因2010年捕鲸船损坏费被引渡到日本。 Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson is detained in Greenland, awaiting possible extradition to Japan for 2010 whaling ship damage charges.
Paul Watson, 反捕鲸活动家兼海洋牧羊人创始人, 目前被拘留在格陵兰的努克, 等待可能引渡到日本。 Paul Watson, an anti-whaling activist and founder of Sea Shepherd, is currently detained in Nuuk, Greenland, awaiting possible extradition to Japan. 他于7月根据2012年国际刑警组织的逮捕令被捕,被控2010年破坏一艘捕鲸船。 Arrested in July under a 2012 Interpol warrant, he faces charges related to damaging a whaling ship in 2010. 华生坚持反对捕鲸的抗争在监狱里持续进行, 超过十万支持者要求释放他, 包括法国总统曼纽埃尔·麦克隆(Emmanuel Macron)等著名人物。 Watson maintains his fight against whaling continues from prison, with over 100,000 supporters petitioning for his release, including notable figures like French President Emmanuel Macron. 预计法院将于9月4日对其监护权作出裁决。 A court decision on his custody is expected on September 4.