东京大学研究人员利用流体动力学和光电运输概念,开发电子装置的热管理方法。 University of Tokyo researchers develop thermal management method for electronic devices using fluid dynamics and phonon transport concepts.
东京大学的研究人员开发了一种方法,利用流体动力学和磷运输的概念控制石墨晶体中的热流。 Researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed a method to control heat flow in graphite crystals using concepts from fluid dynamics and phonon transport. 这种方法在Tesla阀门的启发下,使得智能手机和计算机等电子设备能够更有效地进行热管理。 This approach, inspired by Tesla valves, enables more efficient thermal management in electronic devices, such as smartphones and computers. 虽然目前限于低温,但小组认为,在室温下可以实现热校正,为优化设备性能开辟了新的可能性。 While currently limited to low temperatures, the team believes thermal rectification could be achieved at room temperature, opening new possibilities for device performance optimization.