加利福尼亚州看到与犯罪活动有关的“鬼枪”的下降,但关切依然存在。 California sees decline in "ghost guns" linked to criminal activity, but concerns persist.
加利福尼亚州与犯罪活动有关的“鬼枪”或无法追查的枪支数量有所减少。 California has seen a decline in the number of "ghost guns," or untraceable firearms, linked to criminal activity. 尽管减少,但官员们告诫说,这个问题仍然很严重,强调目前对枪支暴力和获取这些武器的关切。 Despite this decrease, officials caution that the issue remains significant, highlighting ongoing concerns about gun violence and access to these weapons. 随着当局努力解决鬼枪对公共安全的影响,管理和追踪鬼枪的努力仍在继续。 Efforts to regulate and track ghost guns continue as authorities seek to address their impact on public safety.