在威斯康辛州因轻罪诽谤指控被捕的酒厂老板,声称被捕是出于政治动机。 Brewery owner arrested on misdemeanor defamation charges in Wisconsin, claims arrest is politically motivated.
Kirk Bangstad, Minocqua Brewing 公司的所有人,在威斯康辛州因两项轻罪诽谤指控被捕,这是很少援引的法规。 Kirk Bangstad, owner of Minocqua Brewing Company, was arrested in Wisconsin on two misdemeanor defamation charges, a rarely invoked statute. 他宣称逮捕是出于政治动机, 并计划起诉Oneida县, He claims the arrest is politically motivated and plans to sue Oneida County, arguing it's unconstitutional. Bangstad以前解决了一起民事诽谤案,涉及当地一家报纸出版商580 000美元。 Bangstad previously settled a civil defamation case involving a local newspaper publisher for $580,000. 他声称,出版商对他的逮捕施加了影响,但出版商的律师否认这一说法。 He alleges that the publisher influenced his arrest, a claim that has been denied by the publisher's attorney.