Artclear旨在提高纽约和伦敦美术馆价款的透明度。 Blockchain-based organization Artclear aims to enhance transparency in New York and London gallery art pricing.
纽约和伦敦美术馆的艺术定价往往不公开,目的是保护艺术家,防止投机性的“滑动”。 Art pricing in New York and London galleries is often undisclosed, aimed at protecting artists and preventing speculative "flipping." 这种缺乏透明度的情况使购买过程复杂化,并可能使潜在买家望而却步。 This lack of transparency complicates the buying process and can deter potential buyers. 一些组织,如Artclear, 寻求通过区块链技术提高透明度. Some organizations, like Artclear, seek to enhance transparency using blockchain technology. 法律专家J. Legal expert J.D. Harriman指出,美术馆可能为了保持艺术品价值而扣留价格,最终使市场对艺术家和收藏家都具有挑战性。 Harriman notes that galleries may withhold prices to maintain artwork value, ultimately making the market challenging for both artists and collectors.