东盟-印度第一轨道网络政策对话在新加坡举行,重点是网络威胁和加强合作。 ASEAN-India Track 1 Cyber Policy Dialogue took place in Singapore, focusing on cyber threats and enhancing cooperation.
10月16日,由印度和菲律宾官员共同主持,在新加坡举行了东盟-印度第一轨道首次网络政策对话。 The inaugural ASEAN-India Track 1 Cyber Policy Dialogue occurred in Singapore on October 16, co-chaired by officials from India and the Philippines. 对话涉及网络威胁、国家政策和信通技术进步,重点是能力建设和培训,以加强合作。 The dialogue addressed cyber threats, national policies, and advancements in ICT, focusing on capacity building and training to enhance cooperation. 该倡议旨在继东盟-印度首脑会议期间发表的关于数字转换的联合声明之后,加强东盟-印度全面战略伙伴关系。 This initiative aims to bolster the ASEAN-India Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, following a joint statement on digital transformation made during the ASEAN-India Summit.