两个都柏林加油站业主对BusConnects项目的公共汽车走廊提出争议, Two Dublin petrol station owners dispute the BusConnects project's bus corridor, arguing it blocks traffic and threatens their business viability.
在都柏林拥有一家无人值守加油站的两家公司正在就 BusConnects 项目的一部分 Blanchardstown 至都柏林市中心的公交走廊向高等法院提出挑战。 Two companies owning an unmanned petrol station in Dublin are challenging the High Court over the Blanchardstown to Dublin city center bus corridor, part of the BusConnects project. 他们辩称,公共汽车大门将堵塞旧卡布拉路的交通,威胁其94%的客户基础和商业生存能力。 They argue that bus gates will block through traffic on Old Cabra Road, threatening 94% of their customer base and their commercial viability. 这是高等法院与BusConnects项目有关的第四次质疑,该项目已经获得12个规划走廊中的6个通道的批准。 This is the fourth High Court challenge related to the BusConnects project, which has received approval for six of twelve planned corridors.