新西兰绿党住房发言人塔玛莎·保罗 (Tamatha Paul) 批评政府高租金导致通货膨胀;呼吁租金管制、健身租赁权证和更多公共住房。 New Zealand Green Party's Housing spokesperson, Tamatha Paul, criticizes govt for high rents contributing to inflation; calls for rent controls, Rental Warrant of Fitness, and more public housing.
新西兰绿党住房发言人塔玛莎·保罗 (Tamatha Paul) 批评政府将住房视为一项业务,导致高租金价格,从而显着加剧通货膨胀。 Tamatha Paul, the Green Party's Housing spokesperson in New Zealand, criticized the government for treating housing like a business, leading to high rent prices that significantly contribute to inflation. 新西兰统计局报告称,租金占年度消费者价格指数 2.2% 涨幅的近五分之一。 Statistics New Zealand reports that rent accounts for nearly one-fifth of the 2.2% annual Consumer Price Index increase.