失踪的痴呆病人安东尼·麦卡利斯特 在离开Belton后被发现 Missing dementia patient Anthony McAlister found after driving away from Belton, SC home.
安东尼·麦卡利斯特 患有严重痴呆症的人 星期三早上在南卡罗来纳州贝尔顿的家里失踪了 Anthony McAlister, a man with severe dementia, went missing from his home in Belton, South Carolina, on Wednesday morning. 最后一次看见他穿着一件亮亮的红色黄色衬衫和格子裤,驾驶一辆白色的GMC SUV。 He was last seen wearing a bright neon yellow shirt and plaid pants, driving a white GMC SUV. 警方认为他可能前往格林维尔地区, 敦促任何有信息的人与他们联系. Authorities believed he might have headed to the Greenville area and urged anyone with information to contact them. 麦克阿里斯特已经被安全地定位. McAlister has since been safely located.