79岁的Michael Elliott 患有痴呆症 在查尔斯顿失踪 警方正在搜身 79-year-old Michael Elliott with dementia, missing in Charleston, being searched by police.
查尔斯顿警察局正在搜寻患有痴呆症的79岁的迈克尔·埃利奥特,他于星期五在查尔斯顿西南地区离家出走后失踪。 79-year-old Michael Elliott with dementia, who went missing after wandering away from his home in the southwest area of Charleston on Friday, is being searched for by the Charleston Police Department. 最后一次见到的穿黑裤子和黑衬衫的人,凡有情报者,请在(217) 345-0060时与调度中心联系。 Last seen wearing maroon shirt and black pants, anyone with information is requested to contact the dispatch center at (217) 345-0060.