一名肺癌患者起诉费尔蒙特州立大学,指控她在就诊期间接触石棉和未披露的风险。 A lung cancer patient sues Fairmont State University, alleging asbestos exposure and undisclosed risks during her attendance.
肺癌患者 Donna Spurling 对费尔蒙特州立大学和其他实体提起诉讼,她声称她在 1998 年至 2004 年就读该大学期间接触了石棉。 A lawsuit has been filed against Fairmont State University and other entities by Donna Spurling, a lung cancer patient who claims she was exposed to asbestos while attending the university from 1998 to 2004. 该诉讼案指称,该大学的理事会没有披露石棉风险,尽管事先知道存在石棉危害。 The suit alleges that the university's Board of Governors failed to disclose asbestos risks, despite prior state knowledge of the hazards. Fairmont州立大学坚持认为,它优先考虑其社区的健康和安全,并期望该诉讼被驳回。 Fairmont State University maintains that it prioritizes the health and safety of its community and expects the lawsuit to be dismissed.