三名17岁、18岁和20岁的青少年在曼彻斯特的皮卡迪利花园被刺伤后住院治疗。 Three teens, aged 17, 18, and 20, were hospitalized after a stabbing at Manchester's Piccadilly Gardens.
三个人,包括两名17和18岁的青少年和一名20岁的男子,星期六晚上在曼彻斯特的Piccadilly花园发生刺杀事件后住院治疗。 Three individuals, including two teenagers aged 17 and 18 and a 20-year-old man, were hospitalized after a stabbing incident at Manchester's Piccadilly Gardens on Saturday night. 伤势是无生命危险的。 The injuries are non-life-threatening. 大曼彻斯特警方正在进行调查,审查闭路电视录像,并寻找证人。 Greater Manchester Police are investigating, reviewing CCTV footage, and seeking witnesses. 随着调查的继续进行,预计该地区的警察存在将增加。 Increased police presence in the area is expected as the investigation continues.