霍莉·威洛比 (Holly Willoughby) 在斯科菲尔德被解雇的争议中感谢《今早》的同事。 Holly Willoughby thanks "This Morning" colleagues amid Schofield's dismissal controversy.
霍莉·威洛比 (Holly Willoughby) 在围绕菲利普·斯科菲尔德 (Phillip Schofield) 因不正当关系而被解雇的持续争议中,向她的前“今早”同事表示感谢。 Holly Willoughby has expressed gratitude to her former "This Morning" colleagues amid the ongoing controversy surrounding Phillip Schofield's dismissal due to an inappropriate relationship. 在2022年10月离开节目后, 她最近分享了Instagram的文章, 感谢前同事, 感谢他们的支持。 After leaving the show in October 2022, she recently shared an Instagram post thanking her ex-colleagues and acknowledging their support. Holly的姿态表明,在与Schofield保持距离的同时,希望在动荡时期与她的前团队重新建立联系。 While maintaining her distance from Schofield, Holly's gestures suggest a desire to reconnect with her former team during this tumultuous period.