菲利普·斯科菲尔德的肢体语言发生了戏剧性的转变,显得“快乐”和放松。 Phillip Schofield's body language takes a dramatic turn, appearing 'happy' and relaxed.
《冰上之舞》的主持人菲利普斯科菲尔德自从重返电视界后显得轻松而快乐。 Phillip Schofield, the host of Dancing On Ice, has appeared relaxed and happy since returning to television. 五月离开《This Morning》后,他因与同事的婚外情而退出节目。 After leaving This Morning in May, he stepped away from the show due to an affair with a colleague. 然而,有传言称他因缺席而受到“伤害”。 However, he has been rumored to have been 'bruised' by his absence. 斯科菲尔德最近参观了当地的一家商店,离开时面带微笑,难得一睹这位明星的风采。 Schofield recently visited a local shop, leaving with a smile and laughing, providing a rare glimpse of the star.