法国总统Macron和以色列总理内塔尼亚胡就以色列建国问题进行辩论, French President Macron and Israeli PM Netanyahu debate Israel's founding and criticize each other's military actions.
法国总统埃马纽埃尔·麦克隆和以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡在以色列建国问题上陷入激烈的争端,而麦肯声称,这是1947年一项联合国决议设立的。 French President Emmanuel Macron and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are in a heated dispute over Israel's founding, with Macron asserting it was established by a UN resolution in 1947. Macroen批评以色列在加沙和黎巴嫩的军事行动,呼吁对以色列实行武器禁运。 Macron criticized Israeli military actions in Gaza and Lebanon and called for an arms embargo on Israel. 内塔尼亚胡反驳说,以色列之所以成立,是因为1948年独立战争,而不是联合国的决定,并要求撤除在黎巴嫩的联合国维和人员,理由是真主党利用他们作为盾牌。 Netanyahu countered that Israel's creation stemmed from the 1948 War of Independence, not a UN decision, and demanded the removal of UN peacekeepers in Lebanon, citing Hezbollah's use of them as shields.