法国总统马克龙谴责以色列在拉法的行动,并呼吁以色列的袭击造成 45 人死亡后立即停火。 French President Macron condemned Israel's operations in Rafah, calling for an immediate ceasefire after an Israeli strike killed 45 people.
法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙谴责以色列在拉法的行动,表示必须停止这一行动。以色列对拉法的袭击造成包括流离失所者在内的 45 人死亡,国际领导人呼吁充分尊重国际法并立即停火。 French President Emmanuel Macron condemned Israel's operations in Rafah, stating they must stop, as international leaders called for full respect for international law and an immediate ceasefire after an Israeli strike in Rafah killed 45 people, including displaced individuals. 国际法院此前已命令以色列停止对该城市的进攻。 The International Court of Justice had previously ordered Israel to halt its offensive in the city.