免费聊天应用与Rumble合作, 促进言论自由和数字隐私. Freedom Chat messaging app partners with Rumble to promote free speech and digital privacy.
专注于隐私的通讯应用 Freedom Chat 与一个拥有5300万月用户的视频分享平台 Rumble 合作, 促进言论自由和增强数字隐私. Freedom Chat, a privacy-focused messaging app, has partnered with Rumble, a video-sharing platform with 53 million monthly users, to promote free speech and enhance digital privacy. 合作的目的是通过端对端加密和不存储信息等特征,打击审查制度。 The collaboration aims to combat censorship through features like end-to-end encryption and no message storage. 他们将与保守派领导人合作,提高认识,投资于宣传工作,强调他们对第一修正案和可靠沟通的承诺。 They will work with conservative leaders to raise awareness and invest in promotional efforts, emphasizing their commitment to the First Amendment and secure communication.