Fox Entertainment Studios 提拔 Hannah Pillemer 和 Allison Wallach 领导节目。 Fox Entertainment Studios promotes Hannah Pillemer and Allison Wallach to lead programming.
福克斯娱乐公司宣布提升汉娜·皮勒默和艾莉森·沃拉奇担任主编. Fox Entertainment Studios has announced the promotions of Hannah Pillemer and Allison Wallach to lead programming. 这些变化反映了该公司致力于加强其方案拟订战略和领导力。 These changes reflect the company's commitment to enhancing its programming strategy and leadership. 两名妇女都可望在福克斯未来内容方向的形成方面发挥关键作用。 Both women are expected to play key roles in shaping the future direction of content at Fox.