ABC 新闻主管和卡玛拉·哈里斯的朋友达娜·瓦尔登 (Dana Walden) 透露了潜在的冲突,但在迪士尼法律审查后保留了角色。 Dana Walden, ABC News Chief and Kamala Harris friend, disclosed potential conflicts but retained role after Disney legal review.
ABC新闻社长兼副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯的朋友Dana Walden在2022年被晋升领导迪斯尼娱乐部后,披露了潜在的利益冲突。 Dana Walden, ABC News Chief and friend of Vice President Kamala Harris, disclosed potential conflicts of interest after being promoted in 2022 to lead Disney's entertainment division. 尽管她过去曾捐款给民主党人, 并且与哈里斯有联系, 迪士尼的法律部门认为她不需要改变角色. Despite her past donations to Democrats and ties to Harris, Disney's legal department found no need for her to change roles. Walden后来不再接待Harris筹款人,不再提供大笔民主民主党捐款,但她仍保留其行政职位。 Walden has since ceased hosting Harris fundraisers and making significant Democratic donations, yet she retains her executive position.