前弗里斯科警长兼 FPOA 财务主管科尔比·希尔 (Colby Hill) 因挪用资金而被指控犯有盗窃重罪。 Former Frisco police sergeant and FPOA treasurer, Colby Hill, charged with felony theft for embezzling funds.
Colby Hill,前Frisco警察中士和Frisco警察协会(FPOA)的司库,被控涉嫌盗用该组织的资金,犯有重罪盗窃罪。 Colby Hill, a former Frisco police sergeant and treasurer of the Frisco Police Officers Association (FPOA), has been charged with felony theft for allegedly embezzling funds from the organization. 8月7日辞职后,内部调查导致Frisco警察与德州游骑兵合作。 After resigning on August 7, an internal investigation led the Frisco Police to collaborate with the Texas Rangers. 希尔在10月3日自首. Hill turned himself in on October 3. 被盗金额尚未披露,FPOA 独立于弗里斯科市运作。 The amount stolen has not been disclosed, and the FPOA operates independently of the City of Frisco.