Chuck Lorre家庭基金会捐助大笔资金,用于在洛杉矶儿童医院建立儿科健康教育学院。 Chuck Lorre Family Foundation donates a large sum to establish pediatric health education institute at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
Chuck Lorre家庭基金会向洛杉矶儿童医院提供了大笔捐款,设立了Chuck Lorre儿科健康教育研究所。 The Chuck Lorre Family Foundation has made a major donation to Children's Hospital Los Angeles, establishing the Chuck Lorre Pediatric Health Education Institute. 虽然捐款数额尚未披露,但还是医院历史上最大的捐款之一。 While the donation amount remains undisclosed, it is among the largest in the hospital’s history. 该研究所将侧重于培训保健专业人员,预计将在今后20年对超过12 000人产生影响,从而在全国加强儿科护理教育。 The institute will focus on training healthcare professionals and is expected to impact over 12,000 individuals in the next 20 years, enhancing education in pediatric care nationally. Lorre自2016年以来一直支持CHLA。 Lorre has supported CHLA since 2016.