Batik Air因违反安全和业务问题暂停巴厘-坎贝拉路线。 Batik Air temporarily suspends Bali-Canberra route due to safety violations and operational issues.
Batik Air在6月开通登巴萨、巴厘和澳大利亚堪培拉之间的航班后,由于业务上的困难,该航班暂时停飞。 Batik Air has temporarily suspended its flights between Denpasar, Bali, and Canberra, Australia, due to operational challenges after launching the route in June. 这些问题包括航空监管机构对违反安全规定行为进行的调查,例如偏离飞行路线和飞行低于最低高度。 Issues included an investigation by the aviation regulator over safety violations, such as deviating from its flight path and flying below minimum altitude levels. 航空公司没有具体说明何时恢复服务,而是向受影响的乘客提供其他选择或退款。 The airline has not specified when services will resume but is offering alternatives or refunds to affected passengers.