Hinsdale,NH被捕的武装人员;119号公路关闭,警力增加。 Armed individual arrested in Hinsdale, NH; Route 119 closed, heightened police presence.
一名武装人员在新罕布什尔州Hinsdale被捕,此前警方进行了搜查,涉及多个执法机构。 An armed individual was arrested in Hinsdale, New Hampshire, following a police search that involved multiple law enforcement agencies. 搜查导致 Brattleboro Road 和 Mountain Road 之间的 119 号公路关闭,居民被警告将加强警察。 The search led to the closure of Route 119 between Brattleboro Road and Mountain Road, and residents were warned of a heightened police presence. 据报没有人受伤,事件细节仍然有限。 No injuries were reported, and details about the incident remain limited. 调查正在进行中,随着更多资料的公布,预计将提供最新情况。 The investigation is ongoing, with updates expected as more information is released.