东帝汶独立25年后,作为亚洲最年轻的民主国家,我国在贫穷、能源耗竭和关键的天然气领域发展过程中取得了进步。 25 years after East Timor's independence, the nation advances as Asia's youngest democracy amid poverty, energy depletion, and crucial gas field development.
东帝汶独立25年后,该国取得了重大的政治进展,并被公认为亚洲最年轻的民主国家。 Twenty-five years after East Timor's independence, the nation has made significant political progress and is recognized as Asia's youngest democracy. 虽然首都的滨海以当地和葡萄牙菜为生,但挑战依然存在,包括高度贫穷和能源耗竭。 While the capital's waterfront thrives with local and Portuguese cuisine, challenges persist, including high poverty and energy depletion. 大日出天然气田的发展对其经济未来至关重要,预计不久将与澳大利亚达成关键协议。 The development of the Greater Sunrise gas field is crucial for its economic future, with a key deal with Australia anticipated soon. 领导人力求平衡与西方盟国和中国的关系,以确保稳定。 Leaders aim to balance relations with Western allies and China to ensure stability.