2024 OCTA研究调查显示,菲律宾支持马科斯的支持率为38%,高于6月的36%。 2024 OCTA Research survey shows 38% pro-Marcos support in the Philippines, up from 36% in June.
最近奥卡塔研究调查显示,菲律宾对马科斯政府的支持不断增加,38%的受访者认为他们支持马科斯,比6月的36%有所增加。 A recent OCTA Research survey indicates rising support for the Marcos administration in the Philippines, with 38% of respondents identifying as pro-Marcos, up from 36% in June. 支持杜特尔特的情绪略有下降至15%. Pro-Duterte sentiment slightly decreased to 15%. 反对党获得了 7% 的选票,略有增加。 The opposition garnered 7%, a small increase. 此外,独立受访者从32%下降到26%。 Additionally, independent respondents dropped from 32% to 26%. 这次调查有1 200人参加,误差幅度为3%,调查于2024年8月28日至9月2日进行。 The survey, conducted with 1,200 participants, has a margin of error of ±3% and was conducted from August 28 to September 2, 2024.