尼日利亚NNPC首席执行官Kyari在他的女儿Fatima去世后感谢支持者, 强调团结. Nigerian NNPC CEO Kyari thanks supporters after his daughter Fatima's death, emphasizing unity.
尼日利亚国家石油公司有限公司首席执行官Mele Kyari在其女儿Fatima于25岁去世后对他的支持表示感谢。 Mele Kyari, CEO of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited, expressed gratitude for the support following the death of his daughter, Fatima, at 25. 他形容她去世是在她指定时间发生的,并表示希望在Jannah重聚。 He described her passing as occurring at her appointed time and conveyed hope for a reunion in Jannah. Kyari注意到Fatima对许多人的情感影响,强调她的逝世使不同背景的人在这个困难时期在同情和祈祷中团结在一起。 Kyari noted the emotional impact Fatima had on many, emphasizing how her loss united people across various backgrounds in compassion and prayer during this difficult time.