达灵顿商店 Ali's Shop 和 Corner Shop 因销售非法电子烟、香烟和为未成年人服务而关闭 3 个月。 Darlington stores Ali's Shop and Corner Shop closed for 3 months due to selling illegal vapes, cigarettes, and serving minors.
达灵顿的两家商店 Ali's Shop 和 Corner Shop 在法院发现它们销售非法电子烟和香烟(包括向未成年人销售)后被勒令关闭三个月。 Two stores in Darlington, Ali's Shop and the Corner Shop, have been ordered to close for three months after a court found they were selling illegal vapes and cigarettes, including to minors. 这是达林顿区议会和达勒姆警察局为解决烟草产品非法贸易问题而共同努力的一部分。 This action is part of a collaborative effort by Darlington Borough Council and Durham Constabulary to address the illegal trade of tobacco products. 鼓励居民报告与非法销售有关的任何可疑活动。 Residents are encouraged to report any suspicious activities related to illicit sales.