Chappell Roan 在 Roan 的 Lollapalooza 表演后感谢 Kesha 的支持作用。 Chappell Roan credits Kesha for her supportive role after Roan's Lollapalooza performance.
Chappell Roan在Elle的采访中赞扬Kesha在Roan在Lollaprooza的破纪录表演后所起的支持作用。 In an Elle interview, Chappell Roan praised Kesha for her supportive role after Roan's record-breaking performance at Lollapalooza. Roan 将 Kesha 描述为“大姐姐”,强调了 Kesha 如何在为一大群人表演的压倒性体验中提供安慰。 Describing Kesha as a "big sister," Roan highlighted how Kesha provided comfort amid the overwhelming experience of performing for a large crowd. Kesha当天还支持同乐歌手Renée Rapp。 Kesha also supported fellow singer Renée Rapp that day. Roan仰慕Kesha一贯倡导妇女, 以及她的坚定信念, Roan admires Kesha's consistent advocacy for women and her strong beliefs, finding her inspirational.