流行明星Chappell Roan讨论心理健康斗争和音乐行业可持续做法的必要性。 Pop star Chappell Roan discusses mental health struggles and the need for sustainable practices in the music industry.
一位新兴流行明星Chappell Roan对名声表示喜忧参半, 将公众能见度与“虐待前夫的氛围”相提并论。 Chappell Roan, an emerging pop star, has expressed mixed feelings about fame, likening public visibility to "the vibe of an abusive ex-husband." 在一次访谈中,她强调了音乐业在心理健康方面的挑战和燃烧,强调必须采取可持续的做法。 In an interview, she highlighted the mental health challenges and burnout in the music industry, emphasizing the need for sustainable practices. 罗恩还称洛德是她重要的支持者,她分享了一些建议,帮助她应对骚扰,在保持健康的同时,应对成名的压力. Roan also credited Lorde as a vital support, sharing advice that helped her cope with harassment and navigate the pressures of stardom while maintaining her well-being.