加拿大总理特鲁多(Trudeau)指控印度在外交紧张局势升级时秘密行动威胁南亚加拿大人。 Canadian PM Trudeau accuses India of covert ops threatening South Asian Canadians amid escalating diplomatic tensions.
加拿大总理Justin Trudeau指控印度在外交紧张局势升级的情况下进行秘密行动威胁南亚加拿大人。 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused India of conducting covert operations threatening South Asian Canadians, amid escalating diplomatic tensions. 印度以政治动机驳回这些申诉,认为加拿大没有提供证据,允许暴力极端分子恐吓印度官员。 India dismissed these claims as politically motivated, arguing that Canada has not provided evidence and has allowed violent extremists to intimidate Indian officials. 局势使关系紧张,停止了关于自由贸易协定的讨论,而两国则保持贸易联系。 The situation has strained relations, halting discussions on a free trade agreement, while both nations maintain their trade ties. 印度警告可能采取的报复行动。 India warns of potential retaliatory actions.