英国广播公司的调查显示,燃烧英国家庭废物现在排放的温室气体相当于煤炭发电。 Burning UK household waste now emits greenhouse gases equivalent to coal power, according to a BBC investigation.
英国广播公司的调查显示,尽管联合王国努力减少排放,但燃烧家庭废物目前排放的温室气体相当于煤炭发电。 A BBC investigation reveals that burning household waste in the UK now emits greenhouse gases equivalent to coal power, despite efforts to reduce emissions. 英格兰的废能源工厂数量在五年内从38个增加到52个。 The number of energy-from-waste plants in England has increased from 38 to 52 in five years. 联合王国气候变化委员会警告说,焚化,特别是塑料焚化产生的排放会增加。 The UK Climate Change Committee warns of rising emissions from incineration, particularly from plastics. 回收率仍然保持在41%的停滞状态,破坏了政府到2035年提高回收的目标。 Recycling rates remain stagnant at 41%, undermining government targets to boost recycling by 2035.