孟买数十年来首次发生引人注目的政治谋杀事件, 归咎于Lawrence Bishnoi帮在Baba Siddique的宝莱坞和地下世界连线上, Mumbai experiences first high-profile political murder in decades, attributed to Lawrence Bishnoi gang over Baba Siddique's Bollywood and underworld links.
前马哈拉施特拉省部长和全国大会党领导人巴巴·西迪克遇刺事件,使人们更加关切孟买的法律和秩序。 The assassination of Baba Siddique, a former Maharashtra minister and NCP leader, has heightened concerns about law and order in Mumbai. Lawrence Bishnoi团伙声称对此负责,并援引Siddique与Bollywood演员Salman Khan和黑社会人物的关系。 The Lawrence Bishnoi gang claimed responsibility, citing Siddique's connections to Bollywood actor Salman Khan and underworld figures. 这标志着孟买近三十年来第一次引人注目的政治谋杀,使人们更加担心有组织犯罪会死灰复燃,而1990年代后期经济改革后,有组织犯罪已经减少。 This marks Mumbai's first high-profile political murder in nearly three decades, raising fears of a resurgence in organized crime, which had declined following economic reforms in the late 1990s.